来源: | 作者:Mr.top | 发布时间: 2015-09-26 | 3536 次浏览 | 分享到:
Jake: Dr.McCord 麦科德博士

Dr.McCord: Yeah 嗯

Jake: Hey,can i talk to you about my thesis ? 我能和你谈谈我的论文吗?

Dr.McCord: Uh, sure.. during office hours 当然可以,在办公时间吧

Jake: Yeah, your office hours don't really work for me 但是,在你的办公时间我不方便

Dr.McCord: Sorry to hear that 不好意思

Jake: Thing is ,i don't really want to write about the Cold War.事实上,我不想写关于冷战的话题

Dr.McCord: You're aware that the class is called "Postwar Politics and the Cold War".你要知道我们这门课的名字就是"战后政治与冷战"

Jake: Yeah,but i feel like it's been done 是的,但晚认为冷战己经结束了

Dr.McCord: That's why they call it history.Jake.杰克,所以人们才把它叫做历史啊

Jake: Thing is ,my theory is that we are living through a new cold war 其实,我的理论是我们正处于一种新型冷战中

Dr.McCord: All right ,compare and contrast to the original and convince me .好吧,把它和冷战作对比要有说服力.

Jake: Great.Also,I'll need an extension.My parents are coming to twon and they're very needy 太好了,而且我还需要延期,我父母就要来了,我需要时间陪她