来源: | 作者:Mr.top | 发布时间: 2015-08-17 | 2700 次浏览 | 分享到:
今天同博国际英语Mr. Top给大家分享蛇蝎女佣第二季13集经典台词

《阴险的女佣》(又名蛇蝎女佣,英语:Devious Maids)是由美国有线电视台Lifetime播出的一部悬疑喜剧。该剧由风靡全球的电视剧《绝望的主妇》主创马克·切利及主演伊娃·朗格利亚当任制作人,剧集改编自墨西哥电视剧《女佣》。故事讲述了几位来自拉丁美洲,为住在比弗利山庄的富人和明星工作的女佣的故事。但这些女士并不甘心一辈子给人做牛做马,她们都有自己的「远大理想」--当一个令人羡慕的美国人,实现令人羡慕的「美国梦」。然而某一天,一个名叫Flora的女佣被残忍地杀害,令所有人震惊不已。她的死带走了一个不可告人的秘密,「阴险的女佣」们决不允许任何人知道这个秘密--她们誓言用自己的一切来守护它。


Rosie :   This is so nice of you guys,taking me out for lunch .  你们几个太好了,约我出来吃午餐.

Zoila :   We thought you deserved a nice meal in a fancy restaurant for a change . You've been through so much .我们觉得你应该改变一下到好餐厅里大吃一顿,你经历了这么多的事情.

Rosie :   You know,this could be my last meal in this country. 也许,这是我在这个国家的最后一餐.

Marisol : No, I'm sure you'll find a way to clear up your immigration problems. 不,我相信你会找到办法解决你移民的问题.

Rosie :   How ?  The hearing is next week and Reggie threw away all of my documents.
怎么解决? 下周就开听证会了,雷吉把我所有文件都扔了.

Carmen :  Well, I guess we just have to hope for a miracle 恐怕只能祈求奇迹的降临了.

Rosie :   Oh, no ! It's closed .  糟糕,关门了!

Marisol : Hmm, For a private event .Wonder what it could be . 是有私人活动,会是什么呢?  

Zoila :   I'm certainly curious . 我可是很好奇.

Carmen :  Me too .  Let's crash . 我也是.我们闯进去看看吧.

Marisol : Nice! 太棒了!

Rosie : Girls ! We can't do this . 姑娘们,我们不能这样.
          Come on ! We'll get in  trouble .别这样,会有麻烦的
          Spence ? I thought you were in rehab. 斯宾塞 ? 你不是在戒酒中心吗?

Zoila : Oh, he's done with all that .他己经戒完了.
         Now he has something he wants to ask you .他现在有事想问你呢.

Rosie : So... It's just the two of us for lunch ?那么 午餐就我们俩了吗?

Spence : Oh, no .Someone else will be joining us .当然不,还有一个人.
              Hey,buddy. 小家伙.

Rosie : Miguel ? You're supposed to be with Valentina. 米格尔,你不是应该和瓦伦蒂娜在一起吗?

Spence : Oh,I couldn't do this without him 没他我可办不到

Rosie :  Do what ? 办什么?
          Wait 等等
          This isn't just to keep me from getting  deported,is it ?  这不是为了防止我被遣送回国吧.

Spence : I let you get away from me once,and i don't want that to happen again.

Zoila : I can't see anything. What's going on ?我什么都看不到.进展如何了?

Carmen : Spence is down on one knee. 斯宾塞己经单膝脆地了.

Zoila : Is Rosie crying ? 罗西在哭吗?  

Carmen : Buckets 梨花带雨啊.
             Oh,my God ! He's putting the ring on her finger .天呐,他把戒指给她带上了.
             Oh .Yay ! 太棒了!

Zoila :  Marriage is exciting ,isn't it ? 婚姻是太让人兴奋了,不是吗?

Marisol : Yeah,It is .还真是.
            Now if you'll both excuse me . 不介意的话.
            I have to go turn my husband into the police .我要去警察局举报我丈夫了.

以上就是蛇蝎女佣第二季13集简单的日常英语表达台词,同博国际英语Mr.Top 希望大家能够好好地掌握这些地道的表达,勇敢地炫出来。