发布时间: 2014-11-20
6405 次浏览
大家如果出国旅游的话,会在国外很多的中国餐厅里面听到很多“中国特色”的食物,但是,这些中国特色的食物却是在国内的餐厅闻所未闻呢,今天Mr.Top带大家来认识一下这个传说会给大家带来幸运的fortune cookies.(幸运饼干)
大家如果出国旅游的话,会在国外很多的中国餐厅里面听到很多“中国特色”的食物,但是,这些中国特色的食物却是在国内的餐厅闻所未闻呢,今天Mr.Top带大家来认识一下这个传说会给大家带来幸运的fortune cookies.(幸运饼干)
幸运饼干(英语:fortune cookie),又称签语饼、幸运签语饼、幸福饼干、占卜饼等,是一种美式亚洲风味脆饼,一般由面粉、糖、香草及奶油做成,并且里面包有类似箴言或者模棱两可预言的字条,有时也印有“幸运数字”(如用于彩票等),翻译过的中国成语、俗语等。
下面看下维基百科上的英文解释,同时跟着Mr.Top来学英文哦。幸运饼干在国内比较少见,但是想要尝试但是又暂时不出国的同学们可以上网网购的,据 Mr.Top所知,很多零食店都有出售的。
A fortune cookie is a crisp cookie usually made from flour(面粉), sugar(糖), vanilla(香草), and sesame seed oil(芝麻油) with a "fortune" wrapped inside. A "fortune" is a piece of paper with words of wisdom, an aphorism(格言), or a vague prophecy(预言). The message inside may also include a Chinese phrase with translation or a list of lucky numbers used by some as lottery(彩票) numbers, some of which have become actual winning numbers.
Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants in the United States and some other countries, but are absent in China. The exact origin of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in California claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century, basing their recipe on a traditional Japanese cracker. Fortune cookies have been summarized as being "introduced by the Japanese, popularized by the Chinese, but ultimately ... consumed by American