来源: | 作者:Mr.Top | 发布时间: 2021-02-22 | 632 次浏览 | 分享到:

Line graph 线形图

C9 T4   剑桥雅思9 test4 


Sample Writing 范文


The line graph compares the amount of energy consumption from different sources of fuel in America over a period of 28 years from 1980 with projections to 2030.


In 1980, petrol and oil were the main sources of energy, providing as much as 35 quadrillion units of fuel. Energy consumption from coal and natural gas was relatively lower, which was around 16 and 20 quadrillion respectively. Nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower were the sources that provided the least amount of energy, around only 4 quadrillion for each.


Energy consumption provided by petrol and oil has kept increasing until around 2005, with small fluctuations though, and hopefully it will rise to approximately 50 quadrillion and remain the leading source of energy in 2030. Energy derived from Coal also saw a steady rise, being expected to reach 30 quadrillion by 2030, whereas natural gas has been fluctuating and is expected to reach 25 in 2030. By contrast, the figures for Nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower have been stable, with a projection of no more than 10 quadrillion by 2030.


In summary, it is clear that petrol and oil have been and still will be the most important sources of energy over the period shown. Coal and natural gas were the second major sources, while nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower provided a negligible amount of energy, and will not make a noticeable change by 2030.