来源: | 作者:Mr top | 发布时间: 2014-11-14 | 1693 次浏览 | 分享到:
1. Booking a room 预定房间
1) I’d like to book a room. 我想预定一个房间。
2) Hi, can I reserve a room from May 1st to 4th? 你好,我可以预定5月1号到4号的房间吗?
3) I’m going to stay for 3 nights. 我要住三个晚上。
4) I´d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake. 要是能给我一间可以看到湖景的房就太好了。
5)How much do you charge a night? 房间多少钱一晚?

2. Checking in / out 入住与退房
1) Hi, I have a reservation and I’m checking in. 你好,我有预订了房间,现在办一下入住手续。
2) Can someone bring my bags up to my room? 能不能请人帮我把行李送到房间?
3) We're checking out of room 401. 我们是401房间的,来办退房手续。

3. Staying at a hotel 住在酒店
1) Can I have a wake-up call? 有叫醒服务吗?
2) What are the hours for room service? 客房服务的时间是什么时候?
3) Can you get someone to clean my room? We need some clean towels. 能不能请人来打扫一下房间?我们需要干净的毛巾。